We are looking for a patient and compassionate nursing assistant to help patients in our healthcare facility The nursing assistant is responsible for bathing, feeding, and dressing patients.
We are looking for a dedicated sonographer to assist our doctors with diagnosing and monitoring various conditions, such as pregnancy, and diseases, such as cancer.
We are searching for a talented and qualified optometrist to join our growing practice As an optometrist, you will be expected to use your skills and knowledge to provide high-quality vision care to our patients.
We are seeking an experienced OB-GYN to join our medical center You will be responsible for testing, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring diseases and issues related to womens health, and providing medical counsel and support to women during pregnancy and childbirth.
The easiest way for the employers to hire you - is just to select your profile and contact you directly.
Employers can contact you in different ways: direct call or email, job offer letter, online interview.
Apply to the jobs ads posted by UAE companies
All job ads on our website are posted by verified UAE companies. We monitor their activities to make sure that they post genuine ads.
All candidates on our website are verified too. They can apply to the jobs for their professions only.
As the result employers receive exactly what they want in response to their job ads. This increase quantity of job offers and give candidates good chance
to get desired job in UAE.