Beauticians are highly skilled service-oriented individuals who provide well-rounded cosmetic services to enhance customer appearance and boost their confidence They may style hair, apply makeup, and provide hair removal and brow-enhancing treatments.
shave, trim and shape beards and moustaches. provide scalp, face and neck massages. clean and sterilise equipment, like combs, razors and clippers. take payments, keep records and make appointments.
Spa managers are responsible for managing staff, developing and implementing spa policies and procedures, creating and managing budgets, and ensuring that the spa meets its revenue targets.
A spa manager oversees the operations of a spa and manages the various employees who work there. Their primary duties may include creating employee schedules, reviewing budgets, overseeing marketing plans and ensuring spa menus are current.
The easiest way for the employers to hire you - is just to select your profile and contact you directly.
Employers can contact you in different ways: direct call or email, job offer letter, online interview.
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