A Drivers main responsibility is to safely transport either cargo or passengers from one location to another. They must follow traffic laws and correctly route themselves, ensuring that there is enough gas in the tank at all times for their destination.
looking for company driver preferably in visit visa or have own visa at the moment in dubai now
attractive salary package for successful candidate. Residence visa provided. Accommodation provided.
Only Dubai base Drivers’ or willing to relocate to DUBAI can apply. Must be in the UAE and willing to go for 5 to 7 days Trial period / PAID. Not more than 50years old, with strong experience driving around the whole of UAE. Any nationality can apply. We are not agency.
-UAE driving licence
-Experience in Abu Dhabi city and outside areas (I.e. khalifa city, MBZ, shahama, rahbah, Al falah)
- Acceptable level of English and Arabic speaking. Employment visa provided.
The easiest way for the employers to hire you - is just to select your profile and contact you directly.
Employers can contact you in different ways: direct call or email, job offer letter, online interview.
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All job ads on our website are posted by verified UAE companies. We monitor their activities to make sure that they post genuine ads.
All candidates on our website are verified too. They can apply to the jobs for their professions only.
As the result employers receive exactly what they want in response to their job ads. This increase quantity of job offers and give candidates good chance
to get desired job in UAE.