Required Position: Accounts Assistant for F&B Industry
Job Description:
• Working with spreadsheets, sales and purchase ledgers and journals
• Preparing statutory accounts
• Calculating and checking to make sure payments, amounts and records are correct.
Have through knowledge of day to day accounts activities, Invoicing, receiving, stock control, GRN, GIN, daily, weekly, monthly & yearly reporting, P & L accounts, trial balance, etc.
This role is responsible for all local / third party suppliers and at the same time following instruction from Accounting Manager
Ensures that expenses are accounted to appropriate accounts and cost centers
Monitors monthly aging & reconciliation of accounts payable
Prepayment schedule and bo.
Preferably someone with at least 2 years UAE Accounting experience.
With strong computer knowledge.
Proficient in using accounting software package (TALLY ERP 9.0).
Transport provided.
The easiest way for the employers to hire you - is just to select your profile and contact you directly.
Employers can contact you in different ways: direct call or email, job offer letter, online interview.
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